Message From MD


We started shipbuilding in a humble way in 1983 and put our every little earnings in our small shipyard. Toiling in sweat, we developed the yard and continuously improved the quality of our product. Ananda Shipyard has been the best and always will stand out as the best in terms of quality of built ships. I thank you all, my team of directors, management, engineers and workers for proving your determination, strength and agility.

Dedication, discipline and diligence will take us to new heights of glories. We have made Bangladesh known in the world as a ship building nation. From now on, our aim will be to make Bangladesh the leader of all ship building nations.

Quality of our works will brighten our goodwill. Our newly acquired experience of building military vessel, an oil tanker, 16” to 26” cutter suction dredgers and high powered tugs along with our learning in recession have made us stronger to shine in days to come. Inshallah we shall remain ever growing.

Mrs Afruja Bari, B A ( Hons.) M A.

- Managing Director