Investor Relation

Ownership of the company:
Shareholding of Directors Amount in BDT ‘000000’ Shares in numbers ‘000000’ %
Dr. Abdullahel Bari, Chairman 700.50 70.50 37.11
Ms. Afruja Bari, Managing Director 700.50 70.50 37.11
Abdullah Zarina Zaffreen, Director 127.50 12.75 6.71
Sub Total 1537.50 153.75 80.92
Shareholders Other than Directors who holds 5% or more shares
Ms. Abdullah Nahid Niger 100.00 10.00 05.26
Ms. Abdullah Nazma Nowroz 100.00 10.00 5.26
Total 1537.50 153.75 80.92
Other Share Holdings
Institutional Shareholders 33.10 03.31 01.74
Employees 74.60 07.46 03.98
General Shareholders 54.70 05.47 02.88
Total 162.50 16.25 8.55