Founder Chairperson’s Profile


Dr Abdullahel Bari is a Bachelor of Arts, University of Rajshahi; B.Sc. Engg. (Naval Arch. & Marine Engg.), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka; Ph.D (Shipbuilding), University of New Castle-upon-Tyne,U.K; professionally trained in Intermediate Technology, UNDP, in “Production Planning & Control” IBA, University of Dhaka; on Classification of ships, Board of Trade, U.K; Model Testing of ships & propellers, University of Delft & NSMB, the Netherlands; experienced as a Naval Architect, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA), Dhaka; a Ship Surveyor, Govt. of Bangladesh; the Chief Engineer (Construction & Planning), Bangladesh Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC), Dhaka; an Assist. Professor, BUET, Dhaka; a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (FIEB); a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, U.K (FRINA); a C Eng, the Engineering Council, U.K; a Council Member, the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, U.K.; the Chairman, the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Bangladesh Chapter; the President, Association of Export Oriented shipbuilding Industries of Bangladesh; Chairman, Ananda Group of Companies & industries, Dhaka, Bangladesh.